Grupo Lucci

55% Growth in the Area Meant for Holistic Livestock Farming

The adoption of this production model benefits the environment by improving soil health, increases carbon sequestration, optimizes grazing management and promotes a natural balance in ecosystems. This sustainable scheme, which is already applied in three establishments managed by Agroganadera del NOA, experienced a 55% growth compared to 2023, thus positioning itself as a strategic pillar in Grupo Lucci’s livestock production.

In 2024, the incorporation of Rancho Grande, a 7,000-head establishment located in Santiago del Estero, to the holistic management of livestock farming reaffirms and strengthens Agroganadera del NOA’s decision to apply a soil regeneration system. The holistic scheme was first applied in El Carmen and La Porteña, covering 23,100 hectares and 14,000 animals in total.

Holistic livestock farming in Argentina: Discover Agroganadera del NOA’s sustainable cattle operations across Santiago del Estero and Catamarca

“Holistic or regenerative livestock farming is a way of planning grazing and field use where the whole team is involved in the goal of feeding and animal care, which results in greater meat production. Among the measures involved, soil regeneration helps enrich the soil and sequester carbon from the environment,” explained Daniel Navarro, Livestock Farming Manager.

Growing service crops contributes forage resources in winter (closed plan) to the holistic model, resulting in a better forage quality in the dry pasture season.

“The holistic process involves agronomic work on pastures and growing service crops. These crops were grown at Rancho Grande and were used for grazing. It was a way to generate green and growing pasture within a closed plan,” said Navarro.

Winter crops provide an ecological service by increasing the levels of nutrients, roots, microorganisms and soil permeability, all conditions that will give more strength to summer pastures and which are measured over time from geo-positioned points.

Environmental benefits

Holistic livestock farming offers a competitive advantage by optimizing the relation between productivity and sustainability. This approach maximizes the available food per square meter, which reduces the animal’s effort to obtain it and, in turn, makes it possible to increase livestock density without compromising soil preservation. The result is a more efficient production, with less environmental impact and greater long-term profitability.

The environmental benefits generated by this model are key to ensure the sustainability of the business. Some of those benefits include:

  • Improved soil fertility: by promoting natural nutrient recycling, soil quality is enhanced.
  • Increased organic matter content and water retention: the model reduces the need for irrigation and protects against drought.
  • Increased vegetation cover: it favors carbon sequestration, a valuable contribution to climate change mitigation.
  • Protection against erosion: both water and wind erosion, guaranteeing soil stability.
  • Regeneration of native grasslands: it rescues and preserves local species that are fundamental for ecosystem balance.
  • Conservation of natural habitats: it protects native flora and fauna, promoting biodiversity.

For Agroganadera del NOA, this model represents an environmental solution, as well as a business strategy that integrates production efficiency and environmental care, in line with the global trends of responsible consumption and sustainable production.

The future of holistic livestock farming in Grupo Lucci

“With the advance of holistic planning in the fields, we are generating a quality grazing capacity that guarantees responsible livestock production now and in the future,” said Daniel Navarro, Livestock Farming Manager.

The next strategic step is to extend this approach to the entire 49,000 gross hectares that comprise the seven livestock establishments.

Regarding global challenges, Grupo Lucci continues leading initiatives that integrate innovation and sustainability, leading the way towards a future where livestock farming will be synonymous of respect for the environment and contribution to sustainable economic development.

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