Grupo Lucci

Productive Development Growth of Agriculture and Livestock Farming in Northwestern Argentina

The birth of Agroganadera del NOA represents an opportunity to expand our production and a firm commitment to sustainable practices that ensure a prosperous future for both our communities and our different stakeholders.

We have achieved the change of our corporate name, and, in this way, we are implementing the strategy of becoming a single large company of agricultural and livestock activities at Grupo Lucci.

Our business integration and growth allow us to achieve greater administrative, financial, tax and structural synergy, consolidating resources and all the productive potential in constantly evolving markets.

We have promoted holistic livestock farming, which is not just a technique but a philosophy. Through this approach, we learn to see our lands as interconnected ecosystems where each element plays a fundamental role. This vision allows us to optimize animal and forage production, while improving soil health and biodiversity. With every step we take, we are building a stronger company and a healthier environment for everyone.

Likewise, regenerative farming practices teach us to farm while respecting our natural environment. We focus on methods that restore soil fertility and promote the natural cycle of nutrients. This commitment goes far beyond maximizing yields; it is about creating resilient systems capable of meeting future climate challenges.

In the midst of these agricultural and environmental breakthroughs, the growing demand for sustainable products is shaping new opportunities in both the grain and meat sectors. Our efforts to integrate innovative techniques position us favorably to meet these demands while we keep focusing on local development.

We are an active and inspiring part of this positive development in northwestern Argentina. Together we can build a lasting legacy based on solid principles: responsible innovation, sustainable food production and operational efficiency.

I invite you to read the articles in this new edition of the Responsible Production Magazine and learn more about the practices we carry out in our lands.

Pablo Cianci CEO Agroganadera del NOA

Pablo Cianci
CEO – Agroganadera del NOA

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