“In this report, we share the progress made in our sustainable management and our daily commitment to responsible production without jeopardising resources for future generations. We offer quality-certified natural food products to the world, we preserve the sustainability of the planet by fighting climate change, and we work on promoting a circular business model to contribute to caring for ecosystems. In addition, for over 60 years, we have fostered the development of northwestern Argentina by means of genuine work, innovation and the use of state-of-the-art technology in our different processes in search of continuous improvement and sustainable growth,”

adds Agustina Lucci, Grupo Lucci’s Sustainability Manager.

Through its companies, Citrusvil, Viluco, Engordar, Nueces de Catamarca y El Pucará, Grupo Lucci leads production in northwestern Argentina, and in this non-financial report, we specify the actions carry out in 2023 in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Criteria. This report includes an external assessment.

Throughout these pages, where we consolidate all the information from January 1 to December 31, 2023, we present the highlights in terms of sustainability related to environmental aspects such as water management, carbon footprint, waste management and native forest preservation, while we introduce our initiatives towards carbon neutrality.

In this 2023 report, our environmental management is characterised by the following achievements:

  • We have been Zero Effluent for over 12 years by treating our industrial effluents resulting from lemon processing and generating renewable energy which is injected into the network and is equivalent to the supply of 2,500 Argentine households.
  • As part of our commitment to caring for natural resources, we reduced our water footprint by 10% in comparison with 2022, and, in the industrial sector, we managed to reduce our water consumption per ton of processed fruit by 6.5%.
  • 21.5% of the total electric energy consumed comes from renewable sources, and we managed to reduce the specific consumption of non-renewable electric energy in our industrial plants.
  • Livestock farming activities were characterised by the implementation of the holistic management for regenerative livestock production, and, in agriculture, we are promoting sustainable practices related to service crops and the reduction in the use of phytosanitary products by selective application, among other methods.

It is worth mentioning that, due to the vertical integration of the business, Citrusvil compensates all the GHG emissions generated throughout its value chain. Our lemon plantations sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and contribute to stopping climate change, thus resulting in a positive annual net footprint of 86,241 tons of CO2 in 2023. With its operations, Citrusvil compensates more than it emits.

In the Protected Productive Landscape Program, implemented together with Fundación ProYungas, Citrusvil preserves 0.75 hectares of native forest per productive hectare. In this way, it strikes a balance between production and the preservation of natural assets (biodiversity, soil, water) and services (water and climate regulation, carbon, pollination). Citrusvil has preserved 5,744 hectares of native forests.

All this is possible thanks to the commitment of the 1,011 collaborators who are part of Grupo Lucci, one of the major private employers in the province of Tucumán.

In addition, Fundación Vicente Lucci, which celebrated its 20th anniversary, carries out its private social investment which has an outreach of 43 rural schools in northwestern Argentina and benefits over 6,000 people by means of education, labour inclusion, entrepreneurship and citizen engagement actions in the areas of influence of Grupo Lucci’s companies.

This Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI and SASB Standards as well as the SDGs, which represent the best global practices to publicly report on the economic, environmental and social impacts of an organization and the External Auditors’ Assurance Report.

Like every year, the Sustainability Report is presented in different formats so as to reach different target audiences who might be interested in the initiatives of our companies in terms of environmental care, our operations and the community. The online versions are already available at the Company’s website, both in its full and executive versions. https://grupolucci.com.ar/en/

About Grupo Lucci

Grupo Lucci is a business group engaged in the production and industrialisation of agricultural raw materials meant for food manufacturing. It aims at maximising benefits, based on excellence, sustainability and its stakeholders’ satisfaction.

  • Citrusvil: World leading company engaged in the production and industrialisation of lemon and its by-products to the world.
  • Viluco: Regional leading company engaged in agriculture by growing mainly soybeans, corn, wheat, sorghum, cotton and pulses.
  • Engordar: Regional leading livestock farming company engaged in the breeding, pastoral rearing and fattening in feedlots at their own establishments.
  • Nueces de Catamarca: Company engaged in Chandler walnut production, and packing, commercialisation and export of walnuts in shell.
  • El Pucará: Company engaged in sugar cane production and sugar commercialisation.
  • Fundación Vicente Lucci: Since 2003, it offers programs related to values education in order to foster responsible citizens. With the aim of generating social capital, Fundación Vicente Lucci works on the implementation of various programs that aim at contributing to the development of sustainable and more equitable rural communities.

For further press information, please contact:

Lic. Carina Cavallo, directora de Comunicaciones y RSE
[email protected]