Forests are the source of raw materials to produce wood, paper, medicine and other materials. In addition, they play a key role in reducing environmental and climate pollution resulting from the activities carried out by human beings, by carbon dioxide (CO2) removal and sequestration and transforming it into biomass. Moreover, they serve as soil protection, regulate hydrological cycles, and are the habitat of a great number of flora and fauna species.
The Value of Our Native Forests
Forests are home to most terrestrial biodiversity in our planet. Therefore, world’s biodiversity conservation depends entirely on the way we interact with forests around the world and how we use them. Forests are the habitat of 80% of amphibians, 75% of birds, and 68% of mammals in the world. (*1)
Forests and trees are crucial to promote pollination, and there is an urgent need to stop degradation of their habitats and safeguard biodiversity, according to a new report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (FAO *2)

¿Did you know that 31% of the earth is covered by forests?
Forests occupy an area of about 4,060 million hectares in the world, which represents 31% of the Earth surface (FRA, 2020).(*3)
About Fundación ProYungas:
Fundación ProYungas is an NGO which works towards environment conservation and sustainable development by promoting land-planning processes at different levels and actively connecting production with nature preservation. Founded in 1999, it carries out its activities in the South American subtropic, mainly in the Argentine region called “Norte Grande”, which encompasses the greatest environmental, cultural and productive diversity in the country.
In such a challenging backdrop of climate change, commitment to preserving the ecosystem services provided by nature is not a minor issue for such a big company as Citrusvil.
Since 2016, Citrusvil has been part of the Protected Productive Landscape Program (PPP), a management model created by ProYungas which aims at striking a balance between production and biodiversity conservation.
Every year, we work jointly towards sustainability, continuous improvement, and to enhance Citrusvil’s natural heritage.
With over 5,700 hectares preserved, the company protects 0.75 hectares of native forests per each productive hectare in a high environmental value area such as the Yungas in the province of Tucumán.
By means of carbon stock assessments in the native forests and citrus plantations, mammal and bird surveys, pollinator studies and restorations, among other actions, we can prove the importance given by Citrusvil to nature conservation.
Forest area conservation will depend on the formally protected areas and the commitment to preserving forest areas (and other natural systems) from a thriving and profitable production sector with a global presence that allocates part of that profit to keep these wild areas in a good state of conservation.
In this regard, the PPP is a tool available to organizations such as the European Union, among others, which ensures and reveals the environmental and social commitments from the production sector in Argentina and neighbouring countries (Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and Brazil).
Protected Productive Landscape Video
Looking After Our Future
“With a view to sustainability, we seek to integrate different production activities with the preservation of natural goods (biodiversity, soil and water) and services (water and climate regulation, carbon and pollination). Based on our Sustainability Policy and the undertaken commitments, we developed different courses of action which include activities such as environmental indicator monitoring in orchards where native forests occupy a greater area and with higher environmental value”, says Agustina Lucci, Sustainability Manager.
Citrusvil and Its Production Model
Citrusvil’s orchards are located in an ecotone region between the Yungas ecoregion and the production areas near flatlands. These territories make up a landscape where farming hectares coexist with remnant forests and big areas of native forests, located in high slopes, which correspond to the floor of the Yungas mountain rainforest and forest.
Don Vicente Private Natural Reserve
In 2017, as part of Citrusvil’s commitment to nature preservation, we formalised the creation of Don Vicente Reserve, which became part of the Argentine Network of Private Natural Reserves. This reserve has almost 1,500 hectares of Yungas native forests. Its characteristics and strategic location make it a natural area of great relevance in the region. It is a forest classified as Category 1 in accordance with the Territorial Ordinance on Native Forests (OTBN) of the province of Tucumán.
It is not only possible to produce and conserve at the same time
but it is also a great opportunity for a genuine sustainable development of production activities such as citrus production and agribusiness, which attract new markets and international sustainable investors.