Since 2016, based on the commitment assumed to put into practice the responsible and sustainable management of energy resources, together with the Lucci Group’s Energy area, we have been implementing a light reconversion project, which involves the replacement of all conventional light fixtures. the group’s building units, for lamps with LED technology.

Throughout 2019, this ambitious task was advanced, having managed to meet, to date, 100% of the objective in San Pablo Country, with 500 built-in LED lights, and 80% of the Citrusvil plan, with 1850 installed luminaires of a total of 2300.

Did you know?
Globally, lighting represents 20% of total energy consumption.

By 2020, it is planned to complete the final stage of Citrusvil, for which progress is already being made with the purchase of 250 more units, and to start with the survey of the rest of the companies of the Lucci Group.


The rational use of electrical energy is a practice that allows us to take care of the environment. You can also be part of this commitment, that’s why we invite you to join the challenge and contribute from your workplace:

  • Take advantage of natural light and ventilation.
  • Turn off the devices you are not using (air, computer, printer).
  • Turn off the lights when you leave the office.
  • Unplug appliances that are not in use.
  • Put your PC in standby when you leave the office, and turn it off at the end of the day.
  • Keep the air conditioning at 24 ° C and doors and windows closed while it is on.