Alex Nolte, Gerente Comercial de Citrusvil y Benjamín Visser, Comercial de Ventas Regionales, recibiendo el premio BritCham. Grupo Lucci

Awards for Our Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability management trends are transforming the operation and social and environmental impact of companies. These trends, together with biodiversity protection in our ecosystems, are shaping a business outlook that grows in responsibility for the well-being of the planet and responds to the different expectations of consumers. Sustainability management in food production requires adapting to an […]

Agricultura regenerativa en El Gran Chaco Grupo Lucci

Alliance with The Nature Conservancy

Regenerative agriculture in Gran Chaco is a project to assess and support the transition to regenerative agriculture in productive fields. It is carried out by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), which Agroganadera del NOA joined in 2022, for a period of five years at its Rancho Grande establishment in the province of Santiago del Estero. This […]

Ganadería Holística en establecimiento El Carmen, Santiago del Estero. Grupo Lucci

55% Growth in the Area Meant for Holistic Livestock Farming

Rancho Grande, an 8,200 hectare establishment, joined the holistic livestock farming program implemented by Grupo Lucci in 2024. This innovative approach combines grazing plans for the different stages of the year with agricultural crops in the livestock farming area, having positive impacts on both livestock productivity and the fight against climate change.

Ganadería en Establecimiento La Armonía, Santiago del Estero. Grupo Lucci

Temporary Breeding Is Growing in Scale

About 1,400 mother cows participate in our rearing program that extends their productive lifespan, helps them gain weight and provides calves for the rearing fields. This strengthens the productive method through a strategy focused on maximizing benefits.

Tecnología aplicada a la Agricultura Grupo Lucci

Agricultural Digital Transformation

In a world where agriculture faces growing challenges, from climate change to resource optimization, Agroganadera del Noa leads the way towards digital transformation, which redefines farming practices. By integrating advanced technology at each stage of the agricultural cycle, the company demonstrates that innovation can go hand in hand with sustainability, achieving operational efficiency while caring […]

Girasoles creciendo en una finca de Agroganadera del NOA en Tucumán. Grupo Lucci

Responsible Agriculture

We have added safflower and sunflower to our crop portfolio

Equipo Agroganadera de NOA junto a CEO, Pablo Cianci. Grupo Lucci

Agroganadera del NOA Is Created

Grupo Lucci takes a major step forward by positioning Agroganadera del NOA as a leader in the region, thus consolidating its presence and reasserting its commitment to agricultural development.

Marcos Aralde,  Jefe de Campo de Agroganadera del NOA. Grupo Lucci

Human Capital – Stories of Growth

At Grupo Lucci, our commitment to the development of our collaborators is eflected in tangible results through policies and tools that promote professional and career growth. The stories of Marcos Romeo Aralde, Eduardo Guevara, Paola Lazarte and Cyntia Gómez are examples of how investing in human talent benefits both the company and the individuals involved, inspiring teams and colleagues.


Table of Contents Magazine 14: Responsible Production

Find all the news from our magazine #14 here: Customer Service, Innovation and… Productive Development Growth of Agriculture… Awards for Our Commitment to Sustainability Climate Transition Plan Acting Now Is Preparing… Sustainable Supply Ready to Face the Organic Lemon Demand… The Lemon Tree and the Four Seasons Circular Economy Soil Care Through the … Innovation […]

Grupo Lucci

Introducing our magazine #14: Responsible Production

Come and learn about the importance of sustainability and the best agricultural practices in the new issue of our “Responsible Production” magazine This editorial product from Grupo Lucci offers an in-depth analysis at the positive impact and development of the organization, as well as an approach to current and future challenges in the business world. […]

Agronadera del NOA - Sustainable Production Grupo Lucci

Grupo Lucci Promotes a New Agricultural Leader in the Region

Agroganadera del NOA, the new corporate name adopted by Engordar S.A., represents a key step in the consolidation of Grupo Lucci’s position as a leader in the agricultural sector in northwestern Argentina

Programa Conectando Empresas - Reconocimiento Grupo Lucci

We Are Inspired by This Kind of Recognition!

We have received recognition from the Argentine Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEADS).

Primeros pasos en el manejo holístico de la ganadería Grupo Lucci

First Steps in Holistic Livestock Farming

Engordar started to apply the holistic method for regenerative livestock production in order to make the most of its strategic advantages.

Grupo Lucci

We Added Rapeseed to Our Crop Portfolio

Viluco has harvested rapeseed crops for the first time, as an option for production diversification and agricultural rotation, and to attract new market opportunities.

Grupo Lucci

Professional Development, Unique Value Proposal

84% of the people surveyed think that personal and professional growth is important and it is at the top of the perceptions on employer brand of the 2023 Employer Brand Report prepared by Randstad.

Grupo Lucci

Native Forest Conservation and Production

Forests are the source of raw materials to produce wood, paper, medicine and other materials. In addition, they play a key role in reducing environmental and climate pollution resulting from the activities carried out by human beings, by carbon dioxide (CO2) removal and sequestration and transforming it into biomass. Moreover, they serve as soil protection, […]

Grupo Lucci

Internal Auditors Promote a Cultural Change in Operation

During the 2023 season, we introduced the Industry Internal Auditors Program in order to continue promoting continuous improvement in the operation sectors of the industrial plants.

Grupo Lucci

Corporate Social Responsibility: Fundación Vicente Lucci’s Commitment to Education

Educating in Values Program, our collaborators’ experience of corporate volunteering

Grupo Lucci

2024 “Building a Future (Creando Futuro) Program” for Young Professionals

Grupo Lucci’s Building a Future Program is aimed at young professionals who want to grow and develop their skills in a challenging and inspiring environment. For 12 months, the selected participants will acquire knowledge and skills in key areas such as Primary Production, Maintenance, Industrial Plants and Agribusiness.

Grupo Lucci

Grupo Lucci latest Sustainability Report

Throughout these pages, where we consolidate all the information from January 1 to December 31, 2023, we present the highlights in terms of sustainability related to environmental aspects such as water management, carbon footprint, waste management and native forest preservation, while we introduce our initiatives towards carbon neutrality.

Grupo Lucci

Healthy and Safe Products for Our Customers

We play a prominent role globally, as exporters of safe products for our customers.

Grupo Lucci

Lucci Group advances with the light conversion program

This project aims to reduce the installed power in lighting by 55% and the annual energy consumed by 50%.

Grupo Lucci

Good Corporate Governance Practices

At Grupo Lucci we promote the dissemination of an organizational culture that values ​​transparency, corporate responsibility, risk management and long-term sustainability.

Grupo Lucci

We promote the preservation of natural habitats

At Citrusvil we have assumed the responsibility of linking our productive activities to a sustainability framework.

Grupo Lucci

Lucci: The giant of the north that diversified and integrated its business

It is a conglomerate of agricultural companies that operate in the provinces of Tucumán, Salta, Catamarca and Santiago del Estero.